Friday, February 24, 2012

The lymphatic system consists of two main components ...

Immune system is a series of defensive shields with which the body is equipped to repel attacks from outside as well as any internal rebellions that occur in their bodies, networks, or blood. The immune system is a series of interdependent parts, starting with the skin surface. The number of internal organs function contributes to this defense. Lymph glands and the cardiovascular system by which the active substances in the immune system is transported throughout the body. Immunology is a specialized research functions of the immune system. Immunity is a characteristic of the human body, which is present in two basic mechanisms. Inherent immunity, how to answer certain types of threats is determined genetically. Elements of the body that contribute to its innate immunity are those who work to prevent or show penetration of foreign materials including skin, lungs and mucus contained in them. Selecting such as tears, saliva, and vaginal discharge, which eliminate potentially harmful organisms is a function of the immune system. The second aspect of the general immunity rights are acquired or adaptive in nature. Lymphocytes are important cellular mechanisms created by the body to adapt to the threats presented to the body. The immune system produces a number of special cells, known as antibodies, whose functions include target pathogens and the establishment of immunity. Birth characteristics and adaptive immune systems do not operate in isolation from each other. Reply to biological threats to the body is often the subject of two-reaction were used as innate and adaptive responses. The immune system has a number of weapons with which he will respond to health threats of suits. Antigens are any substances that can cause the immune response of the body. Antigens may include microscopic particles dangerous strain of bacteria or virus, a nail or piece of wood, which pierces the skin as antigen. Some aspects of the immune system as antigen specific, to combat a particular threat, which is defined in the body. Other components of the immune system is a system, that they are by their recognition of certain types of potentially dangerous cells when the cells are not recognized by the immune system, he attacked and destroyed. Some diseases such as multiple sclerosis, is a condition affecting the autoimmune system. These diseases are progressive because they send a system part of the immune system to attack itself. The third class of immune system based on memory of the immune system as it developed from the knowledge of immune to the threat. When the immune system has become the subject of previous attack foreign substances, he meets with greater force the invaders to display the next event. Vaccination against the disease, which includes the introduction of small quantities of dangerous bacteria that live in the body, are preventive measure that allows the body to build a successful future defense mechanism against specific threats. Diseases such as polio, or polio, do not give way. The blood circulating through the cardiovascular system has several functions of the immune system. Blood consists of three main components in relation to immune function: plasma, which is about 90% water, erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the approximate amount of 5 million cells per mm

and leukocytes (white blood cells) in normal volume, which ranges from 5000 to 10000 in. When blood volume low because of dehydration, the ability of the cardiovascular system to support the immune system decreases. Red blood cells are the transport mechanism for the cardiovascular system, particularly in relation to the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients necessary for energy production. White blood cells that fight infection agents in blood and spine to maintain immunity, usually fatal condition of leukemia is a cancer of blood that occurs when the white cell production of Away With Itself by the production of abnormally high number of white blood cells. The lymphatic system consists of two main components: the first bone marrow is responsible for white

production of blood cells, and the second is the thymus gland, a small organ located above the heart. Secondary bodies lymphatic system located near the common entrance in the body of foreign objects, which are known as pathogens. The first such bodies are adenoids and tonsils are located in the throat, which are in close contact with all food, liquids and other substances pass into the body. The second secondary organ lymphatic system, spleen, structure, which, among its duties is the center of processing dead and damaged red blood cells, which are extracted from the blood. Another group of secondary bodies lymph nodes that are designed to act as filters for the particular strain of organisms that may pose a threat to the health of the body, these units are the neck, armpits and groin. In lymph nodes and elsewhere in the immune system bacteria specially created body to consume potentially harmful foreign bacteria. It is a substance known as macrophages, attack antigens. There are a number of other external factors that may influence the effectiveness of the immune system.raise your immune system Pressure has been brought lower immune function, as well as alcohol abuse, use of corticosteroids and the use of stimulants such as cocaine. Poor diet, alone or in combination with lack of exercise, would have a lasix drug generic negative impact on the immune system. .

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