Friday, February 24, 2012

And oral (60 mg / kg) and subcutaneous ...

Brassynosteroyidiv herbal polihidroksilirovannyh derivative fifth-holestan, structurally similar to cholesterol derivatives

steroids animals and insects ekdisteroidov, no known function in mammals. 28-Homobrassinolide (HB), steroid

lactone with potent plant growth and development of plant ownership, stimulate protein synthesis and prevents the degradation of proteins in L6

rat skeletal muscle cells (EC

4 microns) appear in part by PI3K/Akt signaling. Oral introduction of HB (20 or 60 mg / kg / day for 24 d) healthy rats fed

normal diet (protein content 23. 9%) increased food intake, body weight, lean mass and calf muscle

a lot of car compared to treated control. Impact of HB administration slightly increased in animals fed a high protein diet

(protein content 39. 4%). And oral (60 mg / kg) and subcutaneously (up to 4 mg / kg) administration showed low HB

androgenic activity when tested in the test Hershberher. In addition, HB showed no direct binding to androgen receptors

in lasix 40 mg iv vitro. HB treatment was also associated with improved physical inexperienced healthy rats, as shown in 6. 7% more

lower extremity strength, measured adhesion test. In the calf muscles castrated animals, HB treatment significantly increased the number >> << type IIa and IIb fibers and cross sectional area of ​​type I and type IIa fibers. These data

suggest that oral administration of NT causes selective anabolic response with minimal or no androgenic side effects and begins

find out the estimated cellular targets for plant brassynosteroyidiv in mammals. Esposito, D. Komarnicki, S., Shapses,

S. Raskin, I. Anabolic effect of plant brassynosteroyidiv. .

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